Clean Air Optima Smart
De Clean Air Optima® Smart apparaten bieden ondersteuning voor zowel Google Assistent als Amazon Alexa, waardoor gebruikers via spraakopdrachten gemakkelijk de luchtkwaliteit kunnen beheren. Bij Google Assistent worden talen als Engels, Duits, Spaans, Nederlands, Frans en Italiaans ondersteund, terwijl Amazon Alexa compatibiliteit biedt met Engels, Duits, Spaans, Frans en Italiaans. Ondanks voortdurende testinspanningen kan de correcte werking van deze functionaliteiten niet altijd worden gegarandeerd.
Kies hieronder het apparaat om te zien welke Google Assistent- en Amazon Alexa-opdrachten worden ondersteund.
CA-510Pro Smart | CA-509Pro Smart | CA-507 Smart | CA-505 Smart |
CA-503 Smart | 502 Desktop smart | CA-607 Smart | CA-605 Smart |
CA-604 Smart | CA-708 smart | CA-707 Smart | CA-706 Smart |
CA-705 Smart | CA-704 smart | CA-702 Smart | CA-407 Smart |
CA-106 Smart | CA-408 smart | CA-403 Smart | |
CA-510Pro Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
“OK Google, set [device name] speed to [sleep mode / low / mid / high]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the speed on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [low / medium / high]” |
“Alexa, what's the mode on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the mode on the [device name] to [manual / auto / sleep]” |
“Alexa, what's the [device name] air quality?” |
CA-509Pro Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
“OK Google, set [device name] speed to [sleep mode / low / medium / high]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the speed on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [low / medium / high]” |
“Alexa, what's the mode on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the mode on the [device name] to [manual / auto / sleep]” |
“Alexa, what's the [device name] air quality?” |
CA-507 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
“OK Google, set [device name] speed to [sleep mode / low / mid / high]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the speed on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [sleep / low / medium / high]” |
“Alexa, what's the mode on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the mode on the [device name] to [manual / auto / sleep]” |
“Alexa, what's the [device name] air qualit]?” |
CA-505 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
“OK Google, set [device name] speed to [sleep mode / low / mid / high]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the speed on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [sleep / low / medium / high]” |
“Alexa, what's the mode on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the mode on the [device name] to [manual / auto / sleep]” |
“Alexa, what's the [device name] air quality?” |
CA-503 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, what mode is the device in?" |
“OK Google, set [device name] speed to [sleep mode / low / medium / high]” |
“OK Google, at the [roomName] how much PM 2.5 is detected by the sensor” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the speed on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [sleep / low / medium / high]” |
“Alexa, what's the [device name] air quality?” |
CA-502 Desktop Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, what mode is the device in?" |
“OK Google, set [device name] speed to [sleep mode / low / medium / high]” |
“OK Google,set [device name] mode to [manual / auto / sleep]” |
“OK Google, at the [roomName] how much PM 2.5 is detected by the sensor” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the speed on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [sleep / low / medium / high]” |
“Alexa, what's the mode on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the mode on the [device name] to [manual / auto / sleep]” |
“Alexa, what's the [device name] air quality?” |
CA-607 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what mode is the device in?” |
“OK Google, set [device name] mode to [low / medium / high]” |
“OK Google, what is the humidity of [device name]?” |
“OK Google, set the humidity to [20, 30, 40 etc.]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the speed on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [low / medium / high]” |
““Alexa, what's the [device name] humidity?” |
“Alexa, set the humidity on the [device name] to [low / medium / high]” |
CA-605 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what mode is the device in?” |
“OK Google, set [device name] mode to [/auto / low / medium / high]” |
“OK Google, what is the humidity of [device name]?” |
“OK Google, set the humidity to [20, 30, 40 etc.]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the speed on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [auto / low / medium / high]” |
““Alexa, what's the [device name] humidity?” |
“Alexa, set the humidity on the [device name] to [low / medium / high]” |
CA-604 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what mode is the device in?” |
“OK Google, set [device name] mode to [/auto / low / medium / high]” |
“OK Google, what is the humidity of [device name]?” |
“OK Google, set the humidity to [20, 30, 40 etc.]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the fan speed on the [device name]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [auto / low / medium / high]” |
““Alexa, what's the [device name] humidity ?” |
“Alexa, set the humidity on the [device name] to [auto / low / medium / high]” |
CA-708 Smart - Coming Soon
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what is the humidity of [device name]?” |
“OK Google, set the humidity to [20, 30, 40 etc.]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, increase [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, decrease [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, set the to [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
CA-707 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what is the humidity of [device name]?” |
“OK Google, set the humidity to [20, 30, 40 etc.]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, increase [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, decrease [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, set the to [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
CA-706 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what is the humidity of [device name]?” |
“OK Google, set the humidity to [20, 30, 40 etc.]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, increase [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent" |
“Alexa, decrease [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, set the to [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
CA-705 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what is the humidity of [device name]?” |
“OK Google, set the humidity to [20, 30, 40 etc.]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, increase [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, decrease [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, set the to [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
CA-704 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what is the humidity of [device name]?” |
“OK Google, set the humidity to [20, 30, 40 etc.]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, increase [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, decrease [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, set the to [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
CA-702 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what is the humidity of [device name]?” |
“OK Google, set the humidity to [20, 30, 40 etc.]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, increase [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent.” |
“Alexa, decrease [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent.” |
“Alexa, set the to [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent.” |
CA-407 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what speed is the [device name] in?” |
“OK Google, set the [device name] speed to [low / medium / high]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the [device name> speed]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [low / medium / high]” |
CA-106 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, set [device name] to [Low/medium/high]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, increase [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, decrease [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
“Alexa, set the to [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent” |
CA-408 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what is the humidity of [device name]?” |
“OK Google, set the humidity to [20, 30, 40 etc.]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, increase [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent.” |
“Alexa, decrease [device name] by [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent.” |
“Alexa, set the to [10 / 20 / 30 etc.] percent.” |
CA-403 Smart
Google Assistent |
"OK Google, turn on [device name]" |
"OK Google, turn off [device name]" |
"OK Google, start [device name]" |
"OK Google, stop [device name]" |
“OK Google, what speed is the [device name] in?” |
“OK Google, set the [device name] speed to [low / medium / high]” |
Amazon Alexa |
"Alexa, turn on [device name]" |
"Alexa, turn off [device name]" |
“Alexa, what's the [device name> speed]?” |
“Alexa, set the speed on the [device name] to [low / medium / high]” |